Home People Accidents Nasty Smash – Miners Bus Overturned at Darfield Cross Roads.

Nasty Smash – Miners Bus Overturned at Darfield Cross Roads.

February 1928

Mexborough & Swinton Times, February 17, 1928

Nasty Smash.

Miners Bus Overturned at Darfield Cross Roads.

A Motor-‘bus in which about 20 miners were riding’ from Houghton Main, on Monday afternoon, collided with a motor lorry at the Cat Hill. cross roads, Darfield.

Practically all the men were injured, and three were removed to hospital.

Their names are:—         –

Harry Beck, aged. 40 of Garden Street, Darfield;

Jack Waring; aged 24,. Broomhill;

and Thomas Martin, aged 25, of 19, Stonyford Road, Wombwell,

The lorry was going towards Barnsley, and the ‘bus towards Wombwell. The impact of the collision was so severe that the ‘bus was turned completely over’, and most of the passengers were imprisoned under the vehicle.

Some of these managed to crawl out, and others were helped out by workmen and passing motorists. First-aid was rendered from an ambulance box near, and Dr. W. F. Castle was quickly on the scene. Considering the severity of the collision, it was surprising that some of the men were not killed instantly. Except for those admitted to hospital, the injuries were slight.

The driver and owner of the ‘bus, Mr. Dan Smith, of Darfield, escaped with slight cuts. The lorry was the property of Messrs. T. B. and D. Firth, of Denby Dale, and the driver escaped uninjured.

Two of the most seriously injured in the Darfield ‘bus smash were Harry Beck (36), single, Garden street, Darfield, and Thomas Martin (27), single, 19, Stoneyford road, Wombwell. Beck is still in hospital at Barnsley. His head is badly cut and his shoulder injured. He was knocked unconscious by the impact and had to be extricated from the overturned ‘bus.

Thomas Martin was seen by our representative at his home. His head was heavily bandaged, and he complained of bodily pains. At the hospital he had four stitches put into a cut on his head. Martin said he did not see the oncoming lorry, as he was sitting in the back of the ‘bus, and his vision was obscured. He was knocked insensible by the impact and does not remember the collision. The Martins have had a run of bad luck. Practically every member of the family, including Mrs. Martin, have had limbs broken recently, and one son died two years ago after being taken to Barnsley Hospital- with a broken leg.

In addition to those mentioned, John Waring, sen., was taken to Barnsley Hospital suffering cuts and bruises. Waring’s two sons were also in the ‘bus. Among the passengers was Fred Bagshaw, a timekeeper. The driver of the heavy lorry was Frank Kelso (32), employed byT. B. and H. Firth, haulage contractors, .Denby Dale. The lorry was practically undamaged.

Sheffield Independent – Tuesday 14 February 1928

Caged In

One of ilie passengers in the ’bus was a young miner Alfred Veal 16. Hawson street, Wombwell, who told an “Independent” representative last night that at the time of the accident both the ‘bus and the lorry had almost come to standstill.

There was no shouting when the vehicles collided, but after the bus had gone over with its wheels in the air there was some groaning. The passengers were completely caged in. They groped their wav out of the broken windows best they could.

“I was one of the lucky ones, I fell with my back on a seat and man weighing about 12st. fell on top of me; I am just beginning realise I was hurt.”

Mr. Edwin Burgin, of Stansbury Villa, Wombwell. stated he got the spot about three minutes after the accident occurred .There were splashes of blood all over the road, and it was good thing that a St. John Ambulance first-aid cabin was available the spot.