Newly added to the website

Editorial – Election in the Air

4 November 1944
South Yorkshire Times, November 4th 1944 Election in the Air Since it seems that sooner or later we must resign ourselves to a resumption of the...

Editorial – Root and Branch

21 October 1944
South Yorkshire Times, October 21st 1944 Root and Branch If Hitler and Himmler have their way the war will go on for a good deal yet,...

Editorial – “White Paper” On Peace

14 October 1944
South Yorkshire Times, October 14th 1944 “White Paper” On Peace A White Paper on international security.  That description seems to fit the report on the Dumbarton...

Editorial – A Winter Campaign?

7 October 1944
South Yorkshire Times, October 7th 1944 A Winter Campaign? With Christmas less than three months away and the Germans still hanging on grimly to their frontier...

The Great Blizzard

March 1933
South Yorkshire Times  March 3, 1933 The Great Blizzard The severest snowstorm in living memory broke over South Yorkshire on Friday afternoon and continued without intermission...

Editorial – A Great Step Forward

30 September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 30th 1944 A Great Step Forward Having held the pass for a critical period in this greatest of wars Britain now proposes...

Soldier – Belby, Harry – Darfielder In Italy

September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 23rd 1944 Darfielder In Italy Harry Belby (25) son of Mrs. Belby and the late Mr. Belby, Nanny Marr, is in the...

Editorial – The Fight for the Rhine

23 September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 23rd 1944 The Fight for the Rhine Since the last war the fact that Germany “gave in too soon” has often been...

Editorial – The Nazi Struggle for Survival

16 September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 16th 1944 The Nazi Struggle for Survival Hitler’s boasts that he had thrust the war six hundred miles from the frontiers of...

Editorial – The Nazi Struggle for Survival

16 September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 16th 1944 The Nazi Struggle for Survival Hitler’s boasts that he had thrust the war six hundred miles from the frontiers of...

Airman – Bladen, Roy – Gone to India

September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 9th 1944 Gone to India Here is a photograph of Flying Officer Roy Bladen (24), son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bladen...

Editorial – Sparring For the Knock-Out

9 September 1944
South Yorkshire Times, September 9th 1944 Sparring For the Knock-Out Where the German army overran Holland, Belgium, and France in a matter of weeks the Allies...

Editorial – How Long?

2 September 1944
  South Yorkshire Times, September 2nd 1944 How Long? Allied armies are now deploying on the battlefields of the last war.  Names rendered familiar by the swaying...

Editorial – France Rises Again

26 August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 26th 1944 France Rises Again This is France’s great week. Everywhere the grip of the German tyrants is being loosened.  On all...

Chairman of S. Y. Coal Owners’ Association – Mr. H. Danby

August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 26th 1944 Mr. H. Danby Chairman of S. Y. Coal Owners’ Association At the annual general meeting of the South Yorkshire Coal Owners’...

Editorial – Forcing the Pace

26 August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 26th 1944 Forcing the Pace Without much specific information being available about the new Allied attack in the South of France it...

Editorial – Allied Mastery

5 August 1944
South Yorkshire Times, August 5th 1944 Allied Mastery Despite the statement, cautiously qualified, that “victory may come soon” Mr. Churchill studiously preferred to record rather than...

Soldier – Ogden, Richard – Darfield Man’s Hand Injuries

July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 29th, 1944 Darfield Man’s Hand Injuries News reached Mrs. Richard Ogden of Snape Hill Road, last week that her husband Mr. Richard...

Soldiers – Beilby, Harry Thomas – Darfielders Meet Overseas

July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 29th, 1944 Darfielders Meet Overseas Bombardier Harry Thomas Beilby (26), is the son of Mrs. Beilby and the late Mr. Beilby of...

Airman – Horseman, Bernard – Killed – A Great Houghton Loss

July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 29th, 1944 Airman Killed A Great Houghton Loss News reached the district on Sunday night that Bernard Horseman, son of Mrs. Horseman of...

Editorial – When Rogues Fall Out

29 July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 29th, 1944 When Rogues Fall Out Like a good defensive fighter the Nazis have covered up quickly after the staggering blow which...

Editorial – Careless Talk

22 July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 22nd, 1944 Careless Talk Careless talk, which has been the theme for many an official sermon, is not the monopoly of the...

Editorial – Germany at Bay

15 July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 15th, 1944 Germany at Bay Caen, the Norman town in the streets of which British airborne troops were fighting on the night...

Home Guard Honoured

July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 15th, 1944  Guard Honoured Company-Sgt.-Major I. L. Moseley of “A” Company of the 43rd West Riding Battalion of the Home Guard, has...

Soldier – Birch, Roland – Wounded In France

July 1944
South Yorkshire Times, July 15th, 1944 Wounded In France Roland Birch, of Briers Buildings, Great Houghton, is the first Great Houghton soldier to be wounded in...