Home Industry and Commerce Industrial Deaths Houghton Main Fatality – Wombwell Man in Haulage Accident

Houghton Main Fatality – Wombwell Man in Haulage Accident

January 1942

South Yorkshire Times – Saturday 10 January 1942.

Houghton Main Fatality

Wombwell Man in Haulage Accident

Herbert Clarkson (56), haulage worker, 10, Jardine Street, Wombwell, was killed in an accident at Houghton Main Colliery on Tuesday. He was working in the Melton Field seam

Clarkson, who was a married man with a 19 year old son, had worked at Houghton Main over 40 years.

He served in the York and Lancaster Regiment in the Great War and was wounded in action in France. In his younger days he lived at Wombwell Junction.