South Yorkshire Times May 18, 1957
Houghton RAF Sergeant to Wed in Singapore
When handsome RAF Sgt Gerald Sanderson, son of Mr and Mrs E Sanderson of 6 High Street, Great Houghton is married tomorrow in Singapore, the best wishes of his many friends and relatives in this district will go out to him.
22 years of age Gerald was promoted Sgt a fortnight ago. His pretty brunette bride, is 21 years old Josephine Audrey Branson, daughter of Mr and Mrs CW Branson of Leamington spa England.
She is a senior aircraft was this in the RAF. Their romance began some 2 ½ years ago, when they both flew out to Singapore on the same plane.
A passenger was Sir Winston Churchill, who left the plane in Sicily. Gerald looks to be leaving the RAF next March, will then enter the Birkenhead Police Force.
East stand six ½ inches high and turns the scales at 17 ¾ stones. Before joining the RAF five years ago he was employed on Pearson’s farm at Houghton.