Home World War Two Stories from the War Sailor – Briscoe, Harold K. – Seeing the World

Sailor – Briscoe, Harold K. – Seeing the World

March 1944

South Yorkshire Times, March 4th, 1944

Seeing the World

Able-Seaman Harold K. Briscoe, Great Houghton

Able-Seaman, Harold K. Briscoe, of John Street, Great Houghton, spent his third Christmas in the Navy on the high seas, and says they had quite an enjoyable time.  Their Christmas fare was good and after Turkey and all the delicacies that accompany it for dinner, they had ham and tongue for tea, and ice-cream afterwards.

The Duchess of Kent has sent them a portrait of the young Duke of Kent to hang up on their ship and in return the crew have sent to the Duchess a photograph of the vessel.  Briscoe who was a student at Sheffield University before the war has spent a year in Ceylon.

When he returned he brought many souvenirs  He his well and happy and is enjoying the experience of seeing so many countries.