Sheffield Independent – Wednesday 13 April 1938
She Didn’t Recognise Him !
Sequel to the Temporary Closing of Houghton Main Colliery baths.
Dad Frightens Them With His Black Face
Owing to Renovations, the pithead baths at Houghton Main Colliery, near Barnsley, installed eight years ago, have closed down temporarily and men who have been accustomed to bathing and changing at the pit are now going home with black faces and dirty clothes.
The result is that many wives and children are seeing their husbands and fathers in black pit dirt for the first lime.
There have actually been cases of children screaming with arthritis father and walked into the house with white teeth shining through a black mask.
Baths Soon
A Young Wife Told a “Daily Independent” Correspondent:
“It seems disgusting for men to come home with just plain clothes, bring the dirt of the pit with them. We have not realised until now the bone off it in bath. How they suffered this before pithead baths were fitted up I don’t know
The men also seem apologetic as they walk through the Streets or board buses for home.
“We shall all be glad when the baths are open again” said one.